Tuesday, September 30, 2008


While the exposition crew is being assembled, and Holmes seems on his way to Chicago infamy (By the way, his real name was Dr. H.W. Mudgett), a third story has started about a quiet, young man named Prendergast, who is a staunch supportor of the new Chicago mayor. On a whim, I googled his name and discovered something that (to finish this sentence, please turn to blog post # 6).

Anyway, The team that's designing the exposition now has Burnham, Frederick Law Olmstead, George Post, Henry van Brunt, Francis Millet, Col. Edmund Rice, Charles McKim and Ernest Graham.

The map of the exposition looks spectatular. Here's a good example:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why "The Super-Special-Awesome Exposition" was NOT used for a name...

Apparently, this follows around David Burnham as he is working fervently on gathering a team of artists, architects and investments to plan the "Colmbian Exposition", which celebrates 400 years after Columbus reached the Americas. There was a big competition among St. Louis, New York and Chicago for the honor of hosting the fair, and Chicago won. No mention of a murder yet, but I have very high hopes!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

First post!

I finally caved in to my father's begging and picked up "Devil in the White City" as told by Erik Larson.

The story is a non-fiction retelling of the history of the construction of the World's Columbian Exposition intertwined with the muders done by "H.H. Holmes". It looks interesting and I can't wait to sit down and really read it.

The first chapter is called "frozen music"...

...sounds like some new-age craze.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Welcome to my blog...
...don't get yer hopes up.